Welcome Note
This site/blog will tell the world more about my lovely son, named Agus Surya Yoewira or Yoe Wen Yang (his Chinese name). Beside uploading his photos and stories, I will also quote nice, spiritual and touching stories or articles from other resources. Hope this site/blog will be inspiring and useful for other moms in this world.
(Indonesian: Site/blog ini kupersembahkan oentoek putraku terkasih, Agus Surya Yoewira/Wen Yang. Walaupun tidak detail amat, akan selalu kutuliskan perkembangan dia baik melalui tulisan, cerita atau foto-foto. Selain itu ada macam-macam puisi, tantra, kalimat indah dan artikel-artikel yang semoga dapat berguna dan menjadi inspirasi bagi yang membacanya)
When you are sad, ………………. I will dry your tears
When you are scared, …………….. I will comfort your fears
When you are worried, …………… I will give you hope
When you are confused, ………….. I will help you cope
And when you are lost, …………… and cant’t see the light, I shall be your beacon….Shining ever so bright.
This is my oath………… I pledge till the end. Why you may ask? ……………… Because you’re my son.
Surya's reply :-D
Every love that you've been given to me
will never ever go away
coz your loves are
my spirit .......
my light ........
my destination ......
my guide ...........
my everything......
You are the stars that shine every night
in the sky of my world
You give me your light
And lead me to the way of righteousness
Sometimes you smile and laugh
Sometimes you shed after
Sometimes you're angry at me
But you did these to make a better me
Thank you for saying "I'm go proud of you"
For encouranging me in whatever I do
Thank you for building a dream in my mind
You are really one of a kind
I'm sorry for hurting your feelings
For not listening to you
For doing lots of mistakes
Forgive me, mother
There is something I'd like to say
And it won't ever change
e v e r
I love you ...........

Written by: Pamela Deadhema Mongkar - Dea
(daughter of Irene F. Mongkar - Glenn Doman Practician)
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